
What is the probability, I ask you...?!

The probability for my modem to actually fry two blogs after it got fixed? Lightning strikes many many cruel times on me.

Sometimes I get depressed reading other ppl's blog. Sigh, I wonder why my life never got that exciting. Will I live the rest of it dull and monotonous? But I was thinking..

Instead of changing my life, should I not just review my optimism and perspective on life instead? Everyone's different so my life should be ONE that I chose. It should not be boring and dull just because I do not own certain things and events, but it should be fun because of those things that I have.

Oh btw, I just watched Lizzie Mcguire and I don't know what scares me more. The fact that I watched it with a male friend(Nic) alone or the fact that I actually liked that show.


I think I'm sucker for young teen movies.

Another positive sign of growing older is when new celebrities popping up are now younger than you, not older like they used to be.

Anyway, pls challenge me to foosball cuz i own.

Oh yeah, I've completed my scuba course! yay, now quite the pro, am licensed to go 18m. Haha. Sounds n00by but hey 18m is quite deep okay, kw? It's like 18 CRs.. =P

Btw, check out Akademi Fantasia on channel 17 astro. Haha, I actually like that ...reality show. Hahahah. It's quite fun to watch! And I heard that the final five will be hitting it out finally this Saturday.. can't wait to see who victors.. Might just be Vince that guy who got 2nd in the Astro Talent Quest thingy.. From chinese songs to malay songs. That guy never gives up...

Remember to watch!

ANyway, whats with icq nowadays; all those random porn messages("Hi I'm angela, see me and my bf at")... sheesh.

Or the irritating ENLARGE ur BOOB size!!!!!1111 emails.

SPeaking of porn, time to upload KW's erotic coackcroach dance! Here's a sneak peek.