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Hey, hey. Check out this site.
Pretty cool site, I like the artistic and slight abstractness of the campaign. It's about anti-smoking btw, but instead of anti-smoker it actually attacks the tobacco companies putting the blame on them using the basic arguement that the companies do KNOW that nicotine IS addictive and yet they continue selling it making it their fault.
Shrug. Makes you wonder about issues.
ANyway, I wanted to get this off my chest earlier.
I had a quarrel with a friend recently; no names will be revealed here of course but I'm sure ppl know who. ANYway, we sort of made up because I've come to realise that it was pretty stupid to fight like that. SOmetimes I still think I'm right and he was wrong and I feel that I should never have gave in but this childish stubborness should stop I think. It came to me one night when something happened to me which made me dwell on the importance of relationships. Whether he or I was right, I feel that the best solution is not to avoid each other until the truth is revealed but to actually be adults, stop unnecessary debates, abandon the negative pride, and to slowly come to terms. Of course, I wouldn't want to totally abandon the truth on who WAS actually right.. but I'll rather do that when both of us are friends laughing and looking back at the incident then slowly cooperating for the truth.
I have little red bug bites all over me! Help! I think they came from the sea whilst I was in Tioman.
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