
Well, Yen Yen, I see you hate me much but somehow if my girlfriend had this personal fight with this person, I'm sure I would not hate that person just based on what my gf said. Why? Because although she's my gf, she's human and she may be wrong in disliking that person. Unless of course, I've met that person and talked to him personally. You're not someone who judges the book by its cover right? But if Ka Wing tells you this book sucks, will that book immediately suck for you as well?

You might say I contradict myself but let me get this straight. I'll not deny that I do judge ppl by its cover because it's damn instinctive for me to do so. You mean in your entire life, you've never judged someone before you've gotten to know him? You mean to say you've ALWAYS had neutral feelings for a stranger? You mean to say when you walk in the street, you see this guy in this car with a loud exhaust and you've never said "damn jeng!" b4? It's instinctive to do so so please don't talk as if you will never judge someone by its cover.

bitching about ur good friend's gf in front of him??? that's the most stupid and idiotic thing to do!

Well, I'll rather tell my good friend about what I think about his gf rather then go around his back and tell other ppl what I think about his gf. I hope my good friend will tell me what he thinks too, so I can POLITELY tell him "Har? That's what you think ar? Seriously no lar, she's not like that wan.. she's actually quite friendly, bla bla bla" then go on talking.

"you just admitted it was a fucking slip of the tongue. isnt this admitting that you ACTUALLY made fun of my gf?"

Har? You mean because I admitted it was a fucking slip of the tongue, means I'm actually making fun of her? Soooo, if it was not a slip of the tongue, and if I had HONESTLY meant she was casual, not holy, all those, it MEANS i'm not making fun of her? Don't get it.

Well, now that I look at it, I must have instinctively judged her by her cover. So ok, I'm sorry for that then. I should never have said "I wasn't trying to judge her" because it turns out that actually I was. Ok, sorry for that piece then. But listen, I might have judged her but I WOULD never go around saying she was not holy, casual, and all that crap. When I said casual, that was when I said sorry as well.

".."strong willed on what? what has she got to be strong willed against? religion??i tot she free thinker??"
i then said " her family??/ herself???"
so that proves u doubt her being strong willed right???"

Well not really, it literally meant... ok, she is strong willed. But, strong willed on what? BUT WHICH I admit now, I DO admit that I DID doubted her strong willedness because I thought there was nothing to be strong willed on thus there can be no strong will at all. But since right after that you said, "family and herself?", I got convinced and agreed with you. See, I make mistakes, and for that mistake, you corrected me nicely and I accepted my previous wrong idea of her. So I also am saying she is strong willed now. But of course, I don't really know Yen Yen right? I better don't say anything about her, good or bad. But yet I will, because it's just instinct for me to HAVE OPINIONS ABOUT PPL.

ANYWAY, this one I really have to say something.

Scenario A: Let's just say me and Ali(example) and you were talking one day. I suddenly make pussylicking jokes about you and your gf. Both me and Ali laugh crazily. I make more jokes because at least one person finds it hilarious.

Scenario B: Let's just say me and Ali(example) and you were talking one day. I suddenly make pussylicking jokes about you and your gf. Ali chuckles but thinks it's a rude insult, he says "Eh, don't so sick lar". I stop making more jokes because it's not funny anymore.

And you actually can say, "ure the one who encouraged joseph to continue insulting ur gf, NOT ME!
if you had dared to voice out how u felt during that time, u could have stopped joseph
but no u didnt, u didnt even say anything to defend ur gf from being insulted by joseph"

Scenario A again: After a while you start getting angry. I decided to stop insulting you. HOWEVER, Ali still finds it damn funny though. NOW I start to relax, thinking that hey if it was such a rude joke, Ali would cease laughing. Nah, Ka WIng's just being such a kecil hati bitch because Ali finds it ok to make this joke because he's laughing and even adding in some stuff for those afterlaughs. Ok, let's make more jokes.

Before anything else, I have to say this: You're someone who loves to crack jokes and insult ppl. But you can actually get damn pissed off at what I said WHICH was a normal simple instinctive this-is-what-i-think judging of your gf which I DID my best to make it NOT SOUND rude.

"friend or foe, whoever disrespect my gf, im gonna fuck that person up real good"
So in your mind, I disrespected her?

How can any two individuals in this world have a perfect opinion of each other?

I was just saying what I think about her, even to the extend of maintaining politeness by saying sorry for the word "casual", and you actually got this pissed?

So if your sister says, "Hey, I don't like the way ur gf bla bla bla (example of something ur sister dislikes)". GASP! She's disrespecting her! WTF, how dare she! Are you gonna immediately without A SINGLE DISCUSSION with ur sister, go online and blog about how offended you got for what your sister said?