Silly comments server
Okay, bet you clicked on several 'Debug' messages on the way here but nevermind.
Something funny+interesting happened today. :)
Haha. It involves me, Ka Wing, Mashi Maru, Prince Arthas, and a cyber-cafe cashier.
One day, two young men, tall, handsome, distinguished, and full of promises walked along a road. The first guy, let's call him KW, told the second guy, CM, "Hey, I think you're smart."
A brief silence and CM responds. "Nope. Not really."
... A bird chirps.
"So...where do you want to eat today?", KW asks after that momentary pause.
"Let's go McDs. I want to buy something.", CM says.
"What? Buy what? Huh? Huh?"
So the two men continued on their journey.
"WOwee! JUST LOOK at that line! I'm not going in there. I'm impatient and I hate lining up. DUHHH.", KW as usual speaks his mind.
"Sheesh, fine. Then let's ..."
"GO WARCRAFT! YAy, YAY!". KW proceeds to make noises like an orc grunt.
"I WANT! I WANT! WAR3! WAR3!". His eyes start getting really wild and he was having some form of a seizure.
"OK, fine."
Half an hour later....
"Eh, send your grunts and help me, I'm dying! Shit. I suck.", KW complains.
"Wha? Grr, fine."
KW and CM then proceeds to win the game.(note: map settings were set to 'always visible'. HOW lame is that??)
"Hey, look, the power supply is cut off. But our pcs are still on. Haha."
"Yeah, damn interesting."
After a while, KW and CM, seeing that its 11.45, decides to log off.
"Well, I hope we get to buy something to eat, you fool. I hate being late for English. As you know, my teacher hates me.", says CM in a very profound tone.
"Yeahlar...hmm, what's with the line at the counter?"
CM shrugs.
As the two of them approach the counter, they noticed that the only man who was working there at that time was busy with some electrical switches. A few customers were waiting in line to settle their bill.
"Hmm, shit, this sucks. Nevermind, wait a while first.", KW says.
Time goes on... the cyber-cafe-cashier, cCc, or Triple C was still busy with electrical switches. He mumbles to himself, being very proficient at that particular moment in being ignorant of the world around him. He never even bothers explaining to his customers what the problem was. I'll just let them wait, cause I think I'm so smart.
At this time, CM who was being very quiet, was observing KW.
He seemed to have changed from the bubbly self that he previously was to a very silent and moody character.
KW turns to face CM, "If the man does not settle the bills soon, 'consumer rights' are going to come into the show." A couple of veins were showing.
Hmm, CM thought, KW seriously looks a little angry. That's funny. CM chuckles to himself. KW gives a slight grunt.
Ok, first approach by KW.
"Excuse me, why don't you count our bills first?"
"Huh?" He looks up. "CANNOT lar, where can? See, the power also don't have.". He points at the cashier pc, trying to prove his point with that blank monitor.
Note: the atmosphere was okay at this time, no bad vibes floating around as of yet.
"You have some written receipts over there. Why don't you use them first?"
Triple C grumbles. He hastily tries to scan over the receipts, but after a while stops and continues on checking the power supply.
Roughly about 3 minutes later, KW lost his cool(or whatever it was that he had).
"EXCUSE ME, DO you know that I have consumer rights or not? How long have we waited here? WHY DON'T YOU calculate our bills first? IT's not our fault at all but yours and now you're not fulfilling my consumer rights. Can you kiss my ass?..
Haha, just joking, obviously he didn't say that. Haha, I'm so farnee. Ok, back to the story.
"...consumer rights. Can you please use your receipts and calculate now?"
"BUT how I know what time you came in. OH, OKAY OKAY, FINE. 3 bucks then enough lar."
HAH. This is where CM comes in.
"What? 3? How much is it for an hour here?"
"2.50 but we have a minimum charge of 2 bucks."
KW raises his voice, "2.50 and you charge us 3 buckaroos. DAMN kau smart right you?"
Ah, something unexpected. Triple C lost his cool(or whatever it was that he had) as well.
"WHAT? WHAT YOU WANT ME to do now? HAR??". He slams his calculator on the table.
KW was still quite cool(or whatever it is). "You can count out our proper times and charge us based on that. Not 3 dollars."
Triple C looks at KW but seeing his muscular friend CM just hovering around, he decides not to pursue his stubbornness. With a grumble, he scans through the receipts strewn on his table.
As he is doing that, KW gives a lecture.
"In the first place, it's not our fault. You even stopped people from playing because of the power cut. You couldn't fix the problem but you want to charge us 3 dollars. How can you do this when it's not our fault? Calculate out the times properly and we'll pay you accordingly. We know our rights."
NOTE: the underlined words were those that KW spoke with a very emphasized accent. Yes, trying to twist those words into a British or American or Australian slang. CM was curious as to where the slang came from but KW later admitted that he did that on purpose for a reason that will not be disclosed here.
The guy calculates. "42 minutes."
What? So he expects us to pay him 42 minutes?, CM thought.
"How much is it?", KW asks.
The man calculates..."1.72123123123123124185619237861947"
"Nevermind, I'll pay you 2 dollars.", KW says and hands him a 5 dollar bill.
(oh, cool part.)"Okay, now I want my change back.", KW says with a cold tone.
Triple C hands him the change and says,"So? Puas hati or not you? PUAS HATI?"
"Yes, I'm puas hati. I just don't like you charging us 3 dollars like that."
"So now okay? You PUAS HATI OR NOT?"
"Yes. Just don't charge like that when it's not even our fault."
KW takes a few steps towards the exit.
CM took out a 2-dollar bill and puts in on the table. In an attempt to look cool, he nods at the money and then at Triple C as though telephatically saying, I came at the same time so it should be the same unless you want to cheat me. Don't mess with me, I'm damn cool.
CM takes a few steps towards the exit.
They both walk out.
"Woah, KW, quite cool huh you? Hahahaha."
Woah, wth? Nevermind...
They both walked back to college. Even though they were already late, they stopped at McDs. Haha. Oops, the narrator can't laugh. Sorry.
The End.
Aww, what a beautiful story. Haha. Days like this are fun.
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