My life is complete now.
I am no longer Chia Ming. I am above Chia Ming. Fear is not my bane, it is my ally. I have transformed into Batman, above all fears and have become one with the Darkness.
TOday, I killed my nemesis. Send it with its tail between his legs to oblivion. NO longer will it haunt my dreams or plague my waking days. I just killed the cockroach.
Not just any cockroach my friends. One that have infested my toilet for weeks now. Always hiding behind a toiletry or the other, it has evaded me for the last time. Never again will I shower in fear of him peeping at my vulnerable nudity.
But lo and behold, ladies and gentlemen, I did not just kill ONE cockroach. I pwned FOUR. AT ONE GO.
SO. It decided to bring his family out on a picnic. Feasting on my Biore Pore Pack like there's no tomorrow. COCKROACH FAECES WAS EVERYWHERE. I could smell them from a mile away and I could definately smell them when I walked into the toilet. THat lingering odour that is only distinctive of filth and crap.
I mean, how often is it that you walk home to find 4 of those POS bugs having a camp out on your toiletries? ANd what does a man do at a moment where a decision moulds him into something beyond human?
At first I opted to believe that ignorance was bliss. ANd I was about to chicken out. Run away from the bugs and assume that I was hallucinating. Sleep without my shower and pretend that it was all a dream. But then I spotted one of them. RESTING HIS FAGGOSTIC COCKROACH ABDOMEN ON MY WATCH. NO ONE MESSES WITH MY WATCH. Batman immedialtey spoke into my head and I knew that enough is enough and it's time for 2 consecutive Triple Kills.
Of course being a padawan, I had to go for the noobiest weapon. the ShieldTox TURBO 2000. But trust me when I say that the battle was flawless.
I opened fire on the first one I saw, I think it was the mother of the lot. She was extremely confused when the aerosol hit her square in her grubby little face. Poof, she went astray and immediately soaked up most of my ammunition. Seeing his mother weakened, the son tried to cause a diversion in hopes of buying her time to escape by flying aimlessly at my direction. In all earnesty I bet that he was hoping that my phobia of flying coackroaches overwhelm my battle fury. GOOD TRY.
All I could say was LOLz and I shot him right in his face while he was airborne. That knocked him out almost immediately. HAHAHAH, I was extremely tempted to ROFLMAO but there was business to attend to.
Caught in the crossfire was his little sister who was hiding behind my toothpaste! Grr. She went down without a fight even as my bullet spray was far too accurate. ANd how do I know they were family? Because as they were bleeding from their wounds, they did their twiggly little motions and landed on the floor at the same place! AS if they knew that their fate have been sealed and they wanted to die together. HOW EXTRAORDINARY indeed.
The room was silent for a moment(about 5 minutes) as the father roach was hiding in where he thought it was safe. BUt unfortunately for him, I did some random firing in his direction and he JUST had to REACH out for fresh air or die with the fumes. The moment I spotted him trying to make a break for it, I whispered a silent GG NO RE and owned him. He passed away not long after that.
Life is now. Much better.
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