Team B-14-7 United. Owned like a goldfish dropping.
I could almost swear I saw our opponents saying "gg no re". Good game, no rematch. nuuby n00bness: the situation in which you're nooby at being a noob.
I dropped Isabella yesterday :( sniff. I'll never hurt you again, I promise! and cmingo recommends: One missed call. Watch it if you're a horror buff.
Oh yeah, just the other day, I witnessed an extraordinary feat.
I saw a tortoise(turtle?) cross the road.
And it wasn't just any road. It was the KESAS highway(zoom zoom).
Ever watched the cartoon where the main character, usually a depressed animal, misses his owner and travels halfway across the country meeting other depressed animals with agendas of their own who then together gang up for the adventure of a lifetime?(something is wrong with this sentence).
Anyway, yeah, it was like that. Except that I didn't really see any other animal other than the tortoise/turtle who I henceforth shall name HanNien Jr for no apparent reason. Come to think of it, maybe there was a gnat or a beetle riding its back just like in the cartoons. Let's just assume as such and again for no apparent reason, let's name the beetle Arnold.
So what's the story? HanNien Jr is a 10 year old tortoise/turtle that lives with his much beloved owner somewhere in Puchong. He was dearly taken care of and would do anything for his owner, whose name is not revealed for the purpose of anonymity.
One day, HanNien Jr was dropped on its back and like most tortoises/turtles, it went berserk and crazy. He received a heavy blow to his brain which damaged his cerebral cortex causing progressive schizophrenia. As sad as it sounds, our friendly turtle has now become autistic to the world. And it gets worse. He began to imagine fictional characters. One of them was a cat that was constantly lurking around his aquarium and annonying him to no ends. Thank goodness though, for there was his other fictional friend, Arnold the beetle, who proved to be his ally in the war against the lurking cat.
So HanNien Jr would whisper for days with his beetle friend about how to get rid of the cat. He had to whisper because he knew the cat could hear their conversations and possibly develop a countermeasure to blunt their maniacal attempts to kill him. But HanNien Jr and Arnold were no fools. They had a weapon and they knew how to use it well.
to be continued...(or not)
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