SOmeone up there hates me.

It just came to me. I realised that I've lost contact with a few of my friends. I mean, I even have them linked to me but I don't even read their blogs anymore. I am an asshole. Which also brings me to realise that the only way I'm actually keeping in touch with the lives of my friends are through their online journal. What's worse is the fact that this also applies to how I keep touch of my siblings' lives. Sigh. I read my brother more than I talk to him.

Anyway, let's not be somberly caviling out the errors of my life. It's getting boring and redundant.

I used to think I was a very noble man. Now I realise that I'm just a genius.

Why I make such claims is because I've come to understand myself better. I used to believe fervently that I would die for a friend. That I would, in any event, be willing to sacrifice my life for his. I would die before him, because I love my frens such as they do not love me. I kept postulating that I am willing to undergo such a sacrifice was because I was noble. But the genius that is in me is not so easily fooled. I knew that the reason I wanted to sacrifice my life for a friend was not because I was a great friend but because I wanted to die and leave the world. ANd if I could die doing such a 'noble' deed, it'll look great on the resume.

But of course, subconscious suicidal thoughts are just normal. And juvenile if I might add.

Ok, enough of stupid, pointless, and irksome issues.

Earlier as I was sitting in the lecture hall at the start of the lecture which I eventually skipped anyway, I came to a very important conclusion: Medicine, o boy, is seriously tough.

I want to design t-shirts for a living.

Quote of the day: Being broke is the mother of cheap entertainment - Phases '99

He's not dead! The lil' things you can discover if you try hard enough.