TO be or not to be or to not be not but be and not think of being not, is that the question?
I read this word "agnosticism" a few days back but I didn't know what it meant so I checked it up on my all reliable and it is defined as the belief that the existance of a GOD can neither be proven nor be unproven.
Pretty much the guidelines for the common atheist I believe but of course theology is faceted to a tremendous account that perhaps the simplest way to solve the problem is just by coming up with agnosticism..
Anyway these ppl linked me, yay! more hits.
N00by Lena
Ok back to discussion. I used to think that there is no reason for GOD to exist until I looked around and realised that there is every reason for GOD to exist. Somehow I can not accept the theory of evolution that we came from apes nor can I accept the theory that existance is an accident. Do accidents come out so perfectly balanced? So perfectly designed to evolve into intelligence and society as it stands today? The thinking man.
Can you randomly assort a set of jigsaw puzzle in a box... close the lid... shake it for a 100 years and hope to open the box lookin at a completed puzzle set?
Now, you would never ever ever ever believe that the puzzle will ever assemble itself complete that way right? So now if you look at the possiblity of the universe stumblin itself into place the way it supposedly did, I really feel that the chances for the jigsaw event to occur has a higher probability than that of the universe.
Yet the beauty of the situation is that no one belifs in the jigsaw event, yet almost everyone belifs that the universe evolved by itself without outside help.
WOnderfully ironic the human mind is.
Oh yeahh... I was thinking recently(after losing bouts of Minesweeper Flags) about the issue of luck.
Is there such a thing as luck? IF there is, then what is good luck, what is bad luck, can we control our luck?
I think. That there is luck.. but LUCK is the word that we use to define something that must be defined by a word so that ppl will know what we're talking about..
And its definition as given by my all reliable friend: The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events; fortune
Now I'm confused. We don't want to know what is luck, we want to know what is... 'chance happening'. So how can we have good chances happening to us? What makes good chances happen? ANd what makes bad chances happen?
If someone has good chances happennin to him, he is known as having good luck. But good luck is having good chances and good chances is having good luck. So what MADE that fella had good luck? WHAT did he have dat gave him good luck?
Let's assume that luck is not caused by anything supernatural. If a person has good luck, does it just mean that he hit a probability? If a person hits a 1/50 and wins a million dollars, everyone calls him lucky.. but what caused him to choose the 1/50 randomly out of nowhere and getting it?
Luck. But what is luck?
Sigh. My head hurts. Someone pls help me.
Okay now are you one who belifs in luck? If so, define it for me pls. But perhaps there is nothing to define: Luck is chance, if you hit a probability of something good happening, you have good luck.. vice versa and you have bad luck. As simple as that. BUT there's a problem with this definition. It means you are sure that luck is chance and it could happen to anyone anytime anywhere.. SO you are someone who does not believe in luck and therefore when you say "EH, I damn bad luck, dat's why I lost..." you're going against ur principles. Haha. N00b.
If you had a choice, not a good one but its a choice, would you rather have homosexual but loyal kids or disloyal but straight-as-an-arrow-so-straight-they-can-piss-without-hands kids?
Good luck and farewell Ben and Nigel! Study hard and enjoy ur remaining student years before u have to crawl under the pressure of the workin life and the lousy sex.
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