If only I was smarter
Wouldn't it be great to ace every test, to score in every exam?
Wouldn't it be great to frown at an A minus, to shed a tear at every B?
Wouldn't it be great to see your parents smile, as the teachers praise their child?
Wouldn't it be great to be accepted by universities, or better still, be offered a place without you even applying?
Wouldn't it be great if this was a poem? Instead nothing rhymes at all.
Wouldn't it be great if I work harder? If I spend my time doing hard work?
Wouldn't it be great to realise that smart people are normal people?
Wouldn't it be great to understand that we are the same? Same except of course, they don't procrastinate like me.
I was just thinking, if you shoot a bullet through your head, will you die instantly? Will you feel any pain?
If there is life after death, maybe we should consider this, what if the pain you receive when you die stays with you? What if you shoot yourself and die but after death, your spirit feels that stinging bulletshot in your head for all of eternity?
Btw, this has nothing to do with the above 'I'm a stupiit bohy' poem.
Read my blog, damn it! Read it!
Btw, I created a new theory of relativity:
Since particles can never approach the speed of light and interstellar travel will be almost unpractical...
Why not, using Newton's Third Law, we travel against light. Like in a rocket, the fuel is propelling the rocket by burning into gas and shooting out of the bottom in an avalanche of heat and smoke... A force must be created in the opposite direction pushing the rocket up. Now, we use light as fuel, light shooting out of the rocket! Therefore, an opposite force must be created to balance this force and the rocket will move at the speed of light in the opposite direction!!! ZOOOM!
The thing is, we aren't slowly approaching the speed of light, light is approaching the speed of light! We're just doing what nature is doing and balancing the force!! However, not only that but in a normal fuel rocket the speed of the rocket goes from 0 to something...let's say 500mph. But... that's because the fuel is slowly burning and being emitted at 0 to 500 whatever.. Now however, the light fuel was never at 0. We released it out of the rocket in its original speed which is 2.99 X 10powerof8.... and to immediately balance it, the rocket must move at that speed! Wowee! So it never approached that speed, it merely warped into that speed.
Hoho, hello Nobel prize :P
Innocent bystander: What an absolute pile of nonsensical rubbish.
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