So it finally arrived.
To be fair, I once envisaged fireworks and streamers that revelled in a background of festivity, and an overwhelming euphoria that was both foreign yet filling in the appropriate spaces left vacant by 17 years of continuous revision and never-ending exams. Of course, like everything else, if you over-hype a certain event, your expectations end up devaluing the actual experience and you are found wanting in the dark searching for a climax that will never come.
The last day of medical school finals was like any other day- the sun kept on shining and the sea rushed to shore. I marked down my last answer on the answer sheet unconvincingly(because I know at best it is a 50 percent guess) and realised that this could possibly be the last exam of med school! Now all there is left to do is wait for my finals results. Perhaps if I find out I do pass and as a result of that will graduate, the culmination of everything that has been and the much awaited sense of triumph will finally make its way to the surface and reveal its grandeur for all to witness. Fireworks of success, I humbly await thee.
In case you can't already guess, I really, really want to pass. PLEASE. If I do not make it, then I will aptly delete this post.
ANYWAY, in other news, damn sien.. no holidays at all! I have a weekend's break before having to start a one month's attachment. Just given one weekend after finals! Can you imagine that?
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