Squirrels are friends of rodents.

SO anyway, here's a picture that has absolutely no relevance to my current doings or howabouts in Manchester and is void of meaning in whichever way you look at it.

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Life is so wonderfully mysterious.

BUt here is a more relevant picture, seeing how we're in Manchester and all.


Old Trafford is called Old Trafford because Trafford is an old place.

ANyway, MAnchester must be a really nice place to visit OR we must be really loved by our friends because we've had so much visits! Weee..

We've had the gang from LIVERPOOL.

Albert Square

AND Hary Raj from LEICESTER.

Han Sian, Hary, and Sandev eating dimsum

AND Prakash Peters from DUBLIN.

Indian food is expensive

AND Tan Pok Chien from LEEDS.

dimsum, dimsum, and more dimsum


ANd without fail, we seem to always end up eating DIMSUM for some reasons which have eluded me. EVery one of our guests has had has his share of dimsum. The world is strange.