Sometimes I feel like I've trusted you too well, sometimes I just feeeel like...

I don't like it when I've watched Survivor 1-6 like a devoted fan just to abandon Survivor 7 and later find out that it's actually one of the good ones that's a must watch. Sigh. Things like this remind me of luck+fate.

Anyway, speaking of luck, I've passed my summative exam. Can you believe it? Landed on the passing mark actually, lol. But still another fluke shot shot in the right angle at the right speed at the right moment. Wowee. I hope that doctors don't study like me. It's scary to know that the doctors out there know onli 65% of what they're doing... Gulp.

I was reading my blogs and I've came to the conclusion that.. I don't really have good proper gaya english. I think I'll just have to accept the fact that I just suck in linguistics(being a banana sux too). Sigh.

By the way, do you belif in 2nd chance love?(tune in next week)