Har! back to back bloggin days, beat that sucker.
Anyway, I wanna take up a new hobby! Photography!.. reason cuz recently in IMU there was a photography contest offering like a few hundred bucks to the champion and all and some of the photos weren't bad, got a bit of class.. so basically I wanna learn how to operate those cameras- the ones with huge telescope-shaped focus thingys.. damn l33t man. hoho.
It surprises me btw, that I get like an average of 20 visitors per day.. to think that complete strangers read my blogs! How very exciting!
Dloading this thing called Gunbound, and it just sounds n00by, doesn't it? Haha.
Oh btw, a thought occured to me. We have the past, the present, and the future right? But the thing is, I really don't think we have a present because as soon as the present occurs it's in the past and before it occurs, it's in the future. You might argue that the very second it occurs is defined as the present but seconds are merely man made like minutes and hours. So if the "present" can be said to be the very second something occurs, it can also be possible that the present is defined as the very milisecond something occur, or the very microsecond, or the very nanosecond and so on. So if the space of time during the occurence of the "present" can be infinitely small till it reaches an infinitesmal value, it can then as well be negligible because of lack of practical value. Therefore, there is no present. Only the past and the future.
Well, I hope u understood dat. Doesn't make much logical sense, haha.
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