Beware of constant bloggin'!

Time to practice intensive everday bloggin!

There was a boy who thought he was happy....

(enters firstperson)
College, with my girlfriend. A new year filled with happy things! The only thing I have to worry about is..nothing! I love rhyming!

Hmm, why must my two younger siblings argue like they want to kill each other and me in the process? Nvm, other than that, happy college year! Worry list: Brothers.

Argh, my grades are sucking! Help. Nvm, other than that, happy! Worry list: Brothers, grades.

My mom hates me! Help. Nvm, other than that, happy. Worry list: Brothers, grades, mom.

My dad really hates me! Help. Nvm, other than that, it's okay. Worry list: Brothers, grades, parents.

Shit, I'm broke again. Worry list: Brothers, grades, parents, money problems.

WTF, why must you always do this? Problems with gf. Worry list: Brothers, grades, parents, money problems, crumbling relationship.

Finally, holidays.. OUCH MY HAND! STUPID DOG.... I'll need an injection for that..

Later that same evening... OUCH MY EYE! STUPID HAND. Worry list: Brothers, grades, parents, money problems, crumbling relationship, bitten hand, infected torn cornea.

FINE THen, break up! Worry list: Brothers, grades, parents, money problems, broke up with gf(missin her), bitten hand, infected torn cornea

Hey buddy pal, need ur help. Oh yeah did I mention I got cool tickets for this cool event? Worry list: Brothers, grades, parents, money problems, broke up with gf(missin her),, bitten hand, infected torn cornea. Happy list: Cool tickets for cool event!

WTF, why lar you askin for money? Worry list: Brothers, grades, parents, money problems, broke up with gf(missin her), bitten hand, infected torn cornea, misunderstoond intentions(ppl now think I'm a gambling loser) Happy list: Cool tickets for cool event!

Hmm, wonder where he is? Worry list: Brothers, grades, parents, money problems, broke up with gf(missin her), bitten hand, infected torn cornea, misunderstoond intentions(ppl now think I'm a gambling loser) Happy list: Cool tickets for cool event! damn it.

It's confirmed. He conned me. Worry list: Brothers, grades, parents, money problems, broke up with gf(missin her), bitten hand, infected torn cornea, misunderstoond intentions(ppl now think I'm a gambling loser), betrayed trust. Happy list: ak;dgbaljdbnajldn;a.

(leaves firstperson)

Somebody better help that poor guy.