
It's funny how I get so little visitors but when I do get new ones, they came to this site by funny searches.

I ran up my referrals on SiteMeter and guess how one person stumbled here. He/she was searching for.. "alex+yoong+handsome"

Erm, okay...

One more,...,"Bruneians+are+stupid". Haha.
Anyway, life.
Exams are around the corner. Amazing how fast a year can zoom past! Do you get sudden time lapses where you feel that everything is moving very fast, one week passes by in a blink of an eye and you can actually remember what happened exactly one week before on the same day of the week that you are on now?

Before you know it, I'll have graduated and do something useful with my life!

Nobody blogs anymore. The grand blogging revolution is dying down in my sector. In fact, it barely had begun! Haha. What a disappointing result. Tsk tsk. The supposed plan was from a blogspot to an E/N site to a forum+chat site to an advertisements-popping-around site to a site where it gets 341938 hits... an hour. Haha.
Fat hopes for a fat boy.
