Friggin' ppl with friggin' PMS

Argh, hate my sister! Grrr. Today she scolded me for all I'm worth. But she'll be leaving in September, guess I'll just have to be patient for a few months or so... make her leave with a happy heart. Sigh.

ANYway, as I was being shouted at by her, to make matters worse, the eggs she told me to buy...were expired =(. Bloody stupid of me. Well, honestly, hehe, I didn't realize that eggs had expiry dates, teehee. Stupid eggs. Stupid grocery shop. Stupid me. Stupid sister. Stupid eggs.
I'll be erm, returning the eggs tomorrow to the shop. Hopefully they'll respect my consumer rights! And to think that we've already eaten 6 bad eggs. I'll be returning 4 eggs to them tomorrow and they had better give me new ones.

Enough about eggs. Seems like I'm the only one posting these days... Everyone else is frustrated and tired. Sigh, screwed up my presentation today but can't give a bother any longer. Played slightly better snooker as well. Life's perkin' up! And not to forget that me gf and I are getting better(hopefully).

Ben's a sad guy. If only, well, if only things were better for him. I really think the only thing that I can do as a friend will be to... let him 'think' he's better than me in snooker. Haha. I'm so funny.

By the way, if you know Chwan Ren and Chien Yin. Here's something on them:

I think they're a very loving couple! Hope things go well for them. Hate it when ppl around me get depressed. I love a happy world, don't you? Btw, sometimes they scare me just a little.

Argh, my cute little counter(see bottom of page) seems to be missing. The site must be down. Hope it comes back alive soon. Wouldn't want to miss out my visitors' check. Btw, you know Stephanie Sun Yan Zi? Weee! I got free tickets from my aunt again! She's a nice one. She gave us a couple of 170 bucks tickets so hopefully I can make it. Although I only know like one or two songs(title only, not able to sing along), I still wanna go see! Haha. But most probably won't be able to.


Hey, do you have any idea at all what happens when you consume rotten eggs? It's like 3 days expired. Hope I don't contract something deadly. Well, if I do fall sick, at least make it contagious. Haha.

OK, wanna say something about my education. I'm real screwed.
I heard medicine's closing date for applications is next month! And here I am, not knowing at all where to start. Who should I ask? Where should I go to? Do I need a forecast? Do I need my latest semester results? Because if I do, then I'm screwed again. Argh! Better consult a teacher soon. Wouldn't want to miss anything :(. Btw, I don't really wanna do medicine. Although I wanna make loads and loads and loads of cash, it's hard for me to be hardworking. And I heard medicine's not only expensive, it's a killer. Anyway the truth is, I wanna be an astronaut. Preferably the first Malaysian on the moon. Or Mars. Hoho. I love physics more than chemistry and biology because I think it's the only true science branch! Hahahaha(or maybe cuz I just suck in both of them).

WOW! Someone just complimented me! My blog is funny, she says! Hahah. (Bloating head)
nice person: you are so funny! you deserve a Pulitzer for funny bloggin!
Me: Aw..shucks...really? Thanks!
nice person: Yup, you rock and own bonez! I think you're the greatest!
Me: Haha, thanks!
nice person: So, how's your cat doing?
Me: Huh? I don't own a cat.
nice person: Huh? wait... is this Michael?

Oops, revealed too much of the chat...

Ooo, sister sounds angry, she's calling me now..

{Five minutes later....}

Sigh, got scolded terribly. But I deserve it this time. I ruined her F4 jigsaw puzzle which she worked so hard assembling. It was in the car boot and I'm pretty sure my superb driving got it ruined =(. Now I feel like a dick.. Sigh. Oh well, I'll forget this guilty feeling tomorrow! Must make it up to her though somehow! Haha.