I'm starting to dislike my language proficiency more and more each day.
It sucks when you get to read people's blog, feel inspired, then check your site to see how you're doing and discover that you're a boring writer who can only impress... no one.
Today I started taking tablets. And you know, swallowing medicine is a real challenge for me.
I cannot seem to take it all down in a gulp or two gulps so I resort to the silliest of ways. I bite 'em. Yup, chew on them like they're gum till they break and till I get sick from the bitterness in my mouth, then will I start swallowing them. Can't help it! I believe it's a phobia of some sort, some weird psychological twist of the mind that convinced me that I have a really tiny throat. So the next time you take medicine, be thankful you can swallow those tablets. Trust me, it's a real painful job trying to bite into tablets that weren't designed to be bitten on. And, sometimes I can't even take in capsules. So I have to bite and all those bitter tasting powder seeps out and..and..eww.
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