My cousin the superstar
Ok anyway this post is a bit late as the competition has long passed but need to lagak la when got chance.. lol
Here's my cousin, she entered the Singapore singing competition called Project Superstar which is similiar to Idol competitions with its sms voting system kinda thing and she got like 3rd place! Woohoo. So all the best and here's to wishing her success with her future endeavours.
Oo, I like the song that she's singing, sounds damn pro. We actually went to the karaoke together omgz. LoL.
Finally, an update.
So it's April 07 now. Time flies when you're in the second quarter of the year, I believe. Roughly from March till July, the weeks just zoom past you with weekends in between flipping through and we are left with the passing memory of how on monday we waited with bated breath for tuesday to arrive because tuesday is one day from wednesday which would mean that half of the week has gone and tomorrow will come thursday which is a day from friday which would signify the start of the weekend. And it loops again and again; birthdays, public holidays, puppy death anniversaries, zoom zoom zoom, fleet fleet fleet... all it succeeds in telling us is that another year has pass.
Anyway, starting on my opthalmo ssc now. Seems like a really bz block which is bad news because I haven't really got on to the groove of things since last year. I self-diagnosed myself to be plagued with some form of mild depression imposed on an underlying personality disorder.
So I skived a number of stuff because I had absolute anhedonia in my work and didn't enjoy the progression of my life. Most people said I'm just lazy but I'm not too sure about that.
On a randomly related topic, I saw a documentary once and it mentioned how the chinese community of the world, i.e the families, would spend a very huge sum of their life savings on the education of their child. As opposed to every other race/community in the world. But maybe the other races live in developed countries with very established educational institutions that warrant only good pre-university results as a pre-requisite. But let's not tread on thin ice here.
Why am I ranting on and on? Cause usually when I describe a phase of my life, I would want to think that I'm concluding it and wrapping it up as another chapter gone. Granted this wasn't a very interesting phase(most of my time was spent sleeping and skiving) and perhaps that's why I want it to be over with.
Maybe it's time for some constructive hobbies, after all I'm already 22! OR maybe I can just be lazy again and watch tvseries/anime everyday and sleep in the afternoon. Dunno.
I need to buy a car soon. So I can drive around feeling good about myself.
So I just watched Sunshine the movie. Really liked it. I've always liked sci-fi but this one really pulls it off well compared to the other boring sci-fis like lets go to Mars to explore the planet but meet aliens and they stab us with tentacles kinda films. Maybe it was the way they potrayed that strong theme of humanity. Or maybe it was just cause I was proud to see Michelle Yeoh there, who must be slightly related to me..(a Yeo in Malaysia,lol). Or maybe cause I'm just a geek at heart and secretly dream to be the first Msian doctor in space :/
Although they could have done better without that branch of the storyline which was quite cheesy, overall it made me "feel" something and I like all movies that do that to me.
I must stress here that all jokes about porn will not be funny.
Ok, I'm off. Till the next blog and hopefully I find my groove in things. bye.